Parents have been Urged to send their children to Qur anic schools for the development.

Parents in Adamawa have been advised to send their children to Qur'anic schools in order to have the knowledge of memorising the holy Qur an for the development of the Muslim community.
The advice was given made by the Director, Kulliyyatul Qur'an Yola Malam Idris Abdullahi Adam while speaking to Newsmen in Yola.
Malam Idris Abdullahi said it is very important for Muslim Ummah to give more attention on their childrens' ability to memorize the holy Qur'an as well as the western Education.
Malam Idris advised stakeholders to encourage parent on the importance of memorizing the holy Qur'an especially among the youth, for development and unity of the society.
The Director also urged the Islamic preachers to emphasize on the importance of memorising the holy book amongst the Muslim Ummah for the development of Islam in the state and the country at large.
He called Nigerians to continue with prayers for peace and end of security challenges across the state and the country at large.


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